Escaping the everyday with Declan Wyton

Over the years, we have had the pleasure of working with many of Australia's finest athletes, one being Sydney's northern beaches local Declan Wyton. The Okanui Ambassador has had an impressive surf career, becoming the 2018 Australian world champion and competing the WSL Longboarding world tour since 2016. We sat down to escape the everyday with Declan and discuss his career, surfing and future plans. 
With the WSL Longboarding Tour put on hold, how are you keeping busy? 
It's definitely changed my plans for this year! But I've been lucky enough to have to time off work and uni, so I've been road tripping up and down the East Coast.
What are you most proud of so far in your surfing career? 
My result in Noosa for the first stop of the WSL Tour this year is definitely a highlight. Was also pretty stoked to get an Australian Title back in 2018 (after about 8 years of trying haha).
What famous surfer inspires you the most?  
Harley Ingleby for sure. Amazing surfer on any craft.
How long have you been part of the Okanui Family?  
I've been lucky enough to be part of the Okanui Family for almost 3 years now.
What do you love about Okanui? 
Seems like every second person you talk to owns or knows someone that owns a pair of Okanuis. They've been such a big part of the surfing culture. 
What is your favourite item of Okanui Clothing? 
That's a hard one I can't decide, probably The Evans shirt or the new Khaki Hoodie. 
To what do you attribute your success?  
As I never lived near the beach, my parents had to drive me over to the Northern Beaches every weekend. They would stay there while I surfed all day. Literally, sunup to sundown if the surf was good. They have definitely played the most significant role in my success.
Is there one wave/surf spot you can't get out of your head? 
There are a lot, haha. In Aus, it's hard to go past Crescent Head. But if we're talking internationally, I would love to go to the Mentawai's. 
What does the future for Declan? 
Hopefully a lot more of the same! Lots of trips and lots of waves!
Finally, can you tell us how do you escape the everyday?  
I love a good road trip. Loading the vans up, travelling up and down the coast with a couple of mates. Waking up at sunrise, surfing all day, having a couple of beers around the fire at night and passing out by 8 pm. That's the dream. 
Image credit (in order of appearance) Noosa longboarding, Jenna Franklin, Daniel G Photography
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