Competition: Win a $250 Okanui Voucher

WIN A $250 Okanui Voucher 🌺 ​ We are excited to offer you the chance to win an incredible $250 Okanui voucher to use in-store or online ​

To enter head over to the Okanui Instagram Page

  1. Follow @okanuiclassics
  2. ​2. ​Like this post
  3. Tag a minimum of 3 friends (each tag = one entry) ​

Terms & conditions

  • Competition date 7.10.20 8pm -  13.10.20 ​8pm 
  • $250 valued of Okanui clothing 
  • Sale items are included in the voucher 
  • Voucher must be claimed by 6 months after the competition date. 
  • The voucher is valid for both Men’s & Kids range
  • A winner will be chosen 12 hours after the competition ends
  • A custom voucher code will be sent to the winner
  • Okanui reserves the right to refuse any items they deem not included.

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